Aug 31, 2008

The One who was Slain - a Poem

I used to walk a road full of pain
Until I heard of the One who was slain

How deceived I was--just playing the game
Until I heard of the One who was slain

Enjoying the fun and feeling no shame
Until I heard of the One who was slain

Sin is fun--so very fun
As long as I'm not hurting anyone

Spiraling down a bumpy hill
As the sin in me has its fill

No where to run no where to hide
Ashamed of the man I am inside

Yes, I used to walk a road full of pain
Until I met the One who was slain

His light too bright--I turned away
Sin calling me back for another day

Why did I let it lead me astray?
My heart is sick--Sin no longer fun

Now I'm living on the run
Return to Me, cries out the Savior

Won't you let me do you a favor?
I am the One who can set you free

Please do not continue running from Me
Once again His light shines bright

This time I surrender to the warmth
Clinging to it with all my might

Now I know true peace joy and love
Having fun with the One from above

Sin no longer causing me shame-
For I have been washed--given a new name

By Jesus Christ the One who was slain
He is calling you--won't you do the same?

(C) Teresa Ortiz 2008

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