Aug 9, 2008

How to be a Successful Ineffective Witness for Christ

Over the years, I have thought about the days before I surrendered my life to Christ. What made the difference? Who made a difference? As I considered how to present my findings, I could not ignore the common denominator in what did not work and how the methods they chose played a major role in causing me to nurture my wall called "Ruin."

Ruin was my best friend-she was my security; she was my freedom; she was my prison-and I loved her. I tell you this because any chance I had to keep Ruin alive and well, I took. And believe me, I loved it when Christians helped-it was quite funny then, though sarcasm and attitude were my strengths so it made perfect sense. I relished the fact that the very people who were trying to "set me free", actually added bricks and mortar-strengthening Ruin all the more.

Fortunately, (or unfortunately, in this case), the list is short. As a result, you will find that one does not have to go too far to accomplish their goal. This said--following these few simple steps will assure you great success.

1) Always remember: It's not how you win a soul, it's that you win a soul. The goal is to make sure the sinner invites Jesus into their heart, even if it takes all day and night. Eventually, they will see the light and thank you for showing them the love of God.

2) Never be seen having lunch or going to a see a movie with the sinner you are trying to win to Christ. It's quite possible that other Christians will see you and get the wrong impression-like you're their friend or something.

3) Always discuss the negative things about all other religions. Don't offer any positive information, and if they happen to tell you that they practice a particular faith, be sure and tell them why that one is especially bad. They will respect you for that.

4) Be sure and tell them that when they give their life to Jesus, all their problems will go away. After all, they are in the mess they are in because they have chosen to be stubborn. Again, they will respect you for that.

5) Never expose the real you. Don't share your weaknesses or your failures. Rather, speak in spiritual language using phrases like--you just need to be plugged in and set on fire! This way, they will wonder at how spiritual you are and not think for a moment that you might be human.


This might be funny if it wasn't for the fact that in many cases it is the truth. From personal experience, these tactics were 100% ineffective on me. On the other hand, those that were the exact opposite had a big impact on my life. Even though I never let them know it, my walls began to crumble. Until the day when God broke through and my closest friend, Ruin, was slowly replaced with Jesus.

From that day forward I have purposed to be a genuine witness for Christ. Never perfect, but genuine. It's all God requires me to be.

If you are a Christian reading this, and you were offended, the point is well made and I pray it made you think and repent. Apologize to the one you have mislead or mistreated. They will respect you for it. (At least, that's what someone told me.) I am not saying we all do this on purpose, but after we have been a Christian awhile and our lives have changed, we forget that we have been forgiven of past sins and tend to think that we don't sin anymore, or at least not the "big" sins. However, we must remember that God hates pride more than anything else.

If you are not a Christian, especially for the reasons listed above, I ask your forgiveness on behalf of everyone who has made you feel like you are just a target-a soul to be won and not a person with real feelings. As you might have guessed by now, I can relate.

Being on both sides of this issue, I would hope my heart would be heard when I say this: Non-Christian, don't use a bad witness as an excuse to stay away from God. They will be accountable to God for their actions. Though the delivery of the message may be warped, the message, according to the Bible, is true. I would hope and pray that you would search it out for yourself.

P.S. Please forgive my sarcasm, old habits die-hard. ((Smiles.))

Taste and see that the Lord is good. You will never regret it.

© Teresa Ortiz


Anonymous said...

Good message, Teresa. I remember when the Lord showed me how I needed to back and seek forgiveness from those I first witnessed to when I first got saved. My heart meant well, but I did some of the things you described. The offense was great for several and they have never forgiven me, but I know before the Lord I did what was right to seek forgiveness for how I offended them in my witnessing. It was hard, but in changed me after that. I pray for the one who is not open, and gently walk through the door that is slightly ajar now.


Teresa said...

Hi Becky, thanks for the comment. It is a tough phase--the zeal without knowledge, thing. But I think the problem lies with those who have been believers for years and still act this way.

I remember there was a time when I started to get this way, and then the Lord reminded me of how much I hated it before I got saved. I think it was an experience that has kept me in check.

It's good to hear from you. Lord bless your day!