Dec 7, 2008

Plain Talk about Abortion: a Personal Story

Lately there has been no escaping the topic of abortion. We have the pro-choicer, pro-lifer, and enough statistics to make anyone puke.

I am so tired of all the politics--should it be legal--should it be illegal. Does it really matter? Abortion and the attitude toward it are not going to change with the making of law. Since when has law affected real change on the inside? Who in our government speaks of a change of heart? Isn't that where it all starts?

We will never see this happen because if we keep ourselves busy debating law and statistics, there is no time to talk about the heart of man.

I have remained silent in this arena for many reasons, one being I hate political and statistical debates and frankly, they get on and in my nerves more than anything else does.

Nevertheless, my heart is breaking and I can no longer remain silent. It's not the millions of babies that make me speak out, it's that there has been one. Isn't one enough? If I may be selfish for a moment, isn't mine enough?

I prefer talking about the lighter things in life. When I write or teach, it's generally on the side of humor. Humor is a funny thing--it's not as easily accepted in the Christian world. I'm not sure why. It's like some Christians don't want others to think they are not spiritually profound or well versed in the Bible or something. Heaven forbid we should have a light-hearted story to share the truth of God as He works in everyday life.

I say this because if you have read anything I have written so far, you've noticed that my tone is different. I can be sober-I can cut to the heart of a matter. I suppose this is one of those times.

Therefore, I will take you back in time-join me in the waiting room with seven other teens. You are sitting there in silence, scared out of your mind, feeling all alone. Then you spot a girl from school. You know, the popular one-the model-the cheerleader. You make eye contact from across the room and suddenly you have a friend-a friend who is your enemy at school. Why is this? Because no way is she going back to school on Monday to tell her friends where she spent her Friday night, nor are you.

Sitting in the lounge chair designed for your comfort, the nurse brings you some muscle relaxers. She smiles a warm smile and tells you that everything is going to be okay. You are anxiously awaiting your turn as if you were auditioning for a role in a horror movie, it would seem the case as you get a good look at the face of the girl who exits the room while the nurse calls your name.

Feel the cold bed pressed against your back as you put your feet in the stirrups…

Walk with me into the recovery room-listen to the wailing and crying coming from the other girls, listen to your own. Fortunately, you don't have to listen for long because it only takes 15-minutes to recover. Just 15-minutes to forget the sound of the sloshing vacuum. 15-minutes to wipe your eyes, leave the building and start your weekend.

The smiling nurse has no time or need to comfort you with a hug on your way out the door; she is too busy handing out a fresh batch of muscle relaxers-although sweet as she is, she doesn't let you walk out empty-handed. She gives you a brown bag of goodies that will reduce your chances of a return visit.


So how is this for a statistic-how about sharing this story on T.V.? Oh, sure there are organizations out there to help a woman deal with the consequences of her choice to murder her unborn child--what about help to make a better choice to begin with?

Still, this doesn't do anything to solve the problem. We need to get back to the root of the problem and that is Sin. It all boils down to sin. No premarital sex as a teen or adult and we solve a big portion of the problem. The rest of the problem would be solved if men stopped raping and molesting women. Sin, it's all about sin.

At the very least, there should be a law that requires full disclosure of the medical procedure and the developmental stages of an unborn child be made available to the one who is considering ending the life of her child. It still amazes me that my husband was required to have one counseling session and watch a video before the hospital would approve his vasectomy. "Are you sure you want to do this Mr. Ortiz? It is a near impossibility to have the procedure reversed". Wow! I would say it is 100% impossible to have the abortion procedure reversed. In addition, if my son were to get in a car accident, the hospital could not treat him without my consent. Weird how an under aged girl can go through a life-changing medical procedure without her parents knowledge and signature.


How would you like to take a second trip to Planned Parenthood with me? The brown bag of goodies didn't do me any good…

Repentance, grace, knowledge, love, and education are going to be the end of abortion. A few stories like mine from the candidates might help, but mine will never be told-because I am a nobody, of no influence or money. I am therefore, a statistic.

Obviously this isn't going to happen so what do we do? We stop debating and start praying for change. If you have been moved by my story, share it with someone who has influence. I am convinced if teens and women were told the truth about abortion, the law wouldn't matter, because they would choose something different. Maybe not all, but one-isn't one enough?

For some of you, this wasn't your only trip to Planned Parenthood (Ha! Planned Parenthood-there's a deadly joke for you) If you are looking for help and freedom from guilt or if you just want to read a poem of forgiveness and healing, click here.

© Teresa Ortiz 2008

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