Aug 10, 2008

What will you be Doing While the Nation Rages Against Nation?

I'm not much of a debater, never have been and probably never will be. Nevertheless, sometimes things get under my skin and I cannot remain silent.

I was listening to one of my favorite Musicians the other day, and since then, a specific song has been playing repeatedly in my mind. The more I hear it the more I think; have we fallen so far as away from a fundamental and universal belief in love? I'm going to share these lyrics with you; some of you may know the song, it's an oldie. I don't know maybe it's just me, but let me know what you think, as a follower of Christ, am I being to sensitive? On the other hand, am I justified in what I will share?

While the Nations Rage

Why do the nations rage; why do they plot and scheme
The bullets can't stop the prayers we pray
In the name of the Prince of Peace.

We walk in faith and remember long ago
how they killed Him and then how on the third day He rose.

Things may look bad; things may look grim
but all these things must pass except the things that are of Him.

Where are the nails that pierced His Hands?
Well the nails have turned to rust
But behold the Man; He has risen and He
reigns in the hearts of the children rising up in His name.

Where are the thorns that drew His blood; the thorns
have turned to dust but not so the love He has given and remains
in the hearts of the children who will love-while the nations rage.

The Lord in heaven laughs. He knows what is to come
While the chiefs of state plan their big attacks against
His Anointed One.

The church of God she will not bend her knees to the gods
of this world though they promise her peace. She stands her
ground stands firm on the Rock.

Watch their walls tumble down when she lives out His love


Music and Lyrics by Rich Mullins/Psalm2/Isaiah 40:12-17/Isaiah 8:11-17


So what happened, "church"? Have we not bent our knees to the gods of this world? We have compromised by reasoning away God's holiness for the sake of the peace this world promises. Where has this gotten us as a people-Red, Yellow, Black or White?

We have not seen the walls in the hearts of our chiefs' tumble down because we are not living out His love. We give them more criticism than prayer. I have read more articles in the newspaper and on-line which ridicule instead of lift up and encourage our leaders. We condemn the Pastors who are willing to meet with our leaders and offer them Godly council despite personal disagreements.

We want God to bless America-just stay out of our schools, please. I could go on, but I don't want this to be a rant, but rather a call to the church as a whole. And not only the church. After all, we are not the only hypocrites to walk the face of this planet. There are other non-religious people who claim love, peace, acceptance and tolerance who bash our leaders and the very people that give their lives so that we have these freedoms in the first place. (Oops, I ranted, didn't I?)

Let's stand in the gap together; let's build up, encourage and pray for the leaders of all nations so that their walls will tumble to the ground. I for one will not settle for false peace but I desire true and lasting peace meant for all humanity from the Prince of Peace.

Heavenly Father,

I humbly ask your forgiveness as I repent of being complacent and inattentive at times. Just as our founding fathers thought it wise to seek your wisdom, I do the same now, asking for your grace and love to fill the hearts of all leaders for all nations. Father, I pray in the name of Jesus that you would work in our hearts as individuals so that our first thoughts toward our leaders would be that of prayer for wisdom and not words that speak negativity, for that accomplishes nothing. I am making a commitment to keep my lips from speaking anything but good toward those who make the decisions that will affect our nation. And I pray, that those who claim to know you will once again, stand their ground, stand firm on the Rock and have the courage to straighten their knees before the gods of this world. All who agree, say Amen.

© Teresa Ortiz

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