Feb 15, 2008

A Love Letter from God to His Far Away Child

My beloved child,

I am writing this letter because my knocks on the door of your heart have gone unanswered.

I miss our time together and I long to hold you in my arms once again. I know you have your reasons for leaving me behind, but as I tried to tell you so many times, I was not the cause of the things that happened to you. You live in a fallen world, and many have chosen the way of sin which leads to a life that will have its struggles. However, I am here for you and if you had stuck by me, things would not have gotten out of control.

Nevertheless, I understand and I am l here, waiting with open arms. In fact, I would run to you if I saw you coming back.

I still love you and no matter how far you've gone, I am willing and able to bring you back. It only takes a simple call. No matter how quiet your whisper, I can hear you - actually, you do not even need to speak, I can read your thoughts.

I am jealous for you - you have turned to false gods; customs, people and things that promise healing but in reality are causing you more harm, eternal harm. I can see it; I know the beginning from the end. Please come back, I will not condemn you or say, "I told you so".

I love you with an everlasting love. My heart rejoices when I think of you. I have such great plans for you, I bid you come - seek me with your whole heart, I promise to meet with you and reveal the great plans I have for you. My heart breaks because you are missing out on the best. What more do I need to do to prove my love? I died so that you may have an abundant life. Don't merely "survive", come home.

I have so much more to share with you, but I will close for now. Please, do not throw this letter away, I am still standing outside - will you open the door? I just want a few minutes of your time. Then then you can decide if you want me to stay or leave you alone, I will respect your choice.

Your forever love,


The Lord put this on my heart a few days ago; I have not been able to shake the thought. I believe the Lord is calling you back-you hear him and you may have even shed a tear. Please, do not tune Him out. I dedicate this song to God; I share it with you, it is my life's anthem.

When God ran

Almighty God, the Great I Am,
Immovable rock, omnipotent, powerful,
Awesome Lord – victorious Warrior, commanding
King of Kings, Mighty conqueror, and the only time,
The only time I ever saw Him run,
Was when He ran to me, took me in His arms,
Held my head to His chest-
Said, "My son's come home again"
He lifted my face, wiped those tears from my eyes,
With forgiveness in His voice, He said,
Son, do you know I still love you?
He caught me by surprise, when God ran.
The day I left home, I know I'd broken His heart,
And I wondered if things could ever be the same,
Then one night I remembered His love for me,
And down that dusty road ahead I could see, It was the
Only time, the only time I ever saw Him run….
I saw Him run to me…. And then I ran to Him.

Benny Hester/John Parent 1986 Word Music, Inc/ASCAP

I'm praying for you – Jeremiah 29:11-14

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