Aug 8, 2009

Empty Net

I am amazed at how easily I can slip into that place of self-sufficiency – staying busy taking care of important and necessary details of life, but forgetting the most important thing; sitting at my Father’s feet.

This past Wednesday night, I was reminded of how Peter and the boys were blessed after they were honest in answering Jesus’ question; have you any fish? Most fisherman – I learned – do not like to admit they haven’t caught any fish after being out on the water for any length of time, it could imply they don’t know what they are doing.

What a revelation to me – I had to come to the feet of Jesus and admit I don’t know what I am doing – my nets are empty. As I poured out my heart before him regarding our new journey of unknowns, peace flooded my soul and I was able to relax for the first time in weeks.

My “To Do” list is still long, but now I face it with ease, first spending time with my Lord, trusting him to fill my “net” with my daily needs and knowing he will make the path clear when it is time to take the next step.

When Jesus taught us how to pray, I don’t think it was a mistake when he said, “give us day by day, our daily bread”. One day at a time is enough.

If you have been running on empty pretending to be full, stop. Spend time at the feet of Jesus, admit your net is emtpy and let him fill it with the proper fuel.

Blessings to you! T

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